Thursday, March 25, 2010

Let's have a PICNIC!

Okay, I know I haven't updated in a long time, but bear with me. I am so excited! I just had THE greatest idea at work, and as soon as I got home I did a Google search to see if any other brides have done something similar and lived to blog about it. BINGO! I now have inspiration photos. Now, for the idea: PICNIC.

Okay, not a picnic "theme" because that's just lame. And I'm too in love with my backyard chic theme. BUT what I really want to do is pass out blankets (and maybe even pillows if I'm feeling pretty good) to my guests after the meal. Ideally, I would want them to get away from the tables and out onto the lush, green grass (maybe I haven't found a venue yet, but it had better have lush, green grass!) They could set them up around the dance floor or something as they help themselves to the dessert buffet, and just have a grand ol' time.

Sooo, that means I need blankets. And if I have to order or make several picnic blankets I will never use again, I may as well let the guests keep them...can you say favors? I'm still bouncing that thought around at the moment, though, because blankets are hella expensive to order, especially if they're customized. I may just buy many, MANY yards of fleece and make my own blankets then just take them to an embroiderer. Anyway, I think it's a brilliant idea, and hopefully it will be something my guests will remember. I just don't want my wedding to be like anything they've ever been to.